


FearFighter er vefsíða sem býður rafræna ráðgjöf fyrir þá sem þjást af kvíða eða þráhyggju. Stuðst er við aðferðir hugrænnar atferlismeðferðar. Meðferðin er framkvæmd í 9 þrepum eða stundum þar sem einstaklingarnir fá verkefni til að vinna í milli stundanna sem eru mikilvæg til að ná árangri í meðferðarferlinu. Einstaklingarnir læra að gera sér grein fyrir áhrifum hugsana á eigin líðan og virkni.

Frekari leitarorð: Fælni

  • Markhópur
  • Fullorðnir
  • Efni
  • Kvíði
  • Annað
  • Tegund
  • Meðferð
  • Land
  • Bretland
Course code: TGP391
Category: Good Practices
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

FearFighter is an online program for panic and phobia. It teaches users how to confront and change their thoughts and challenge avoidance behaviour that characterise panic and phobia. At the end of each step users can print out worksheets for activities, monitor progress and receive emails with further tips. Most sessions last about 50 minutes. The current recommended treatment regime is one session weekly. FearFighter is supported by evidence-based research and consists of 9 steps: getting started, where users get an introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and learn about different phobia categories; how to beat fear, where users learn the different sensation of anxiety and common safety behaviours; anxiety management, where users are introduced to techniques of anxiety management; challenging thoughts, where participants learn about thinking errors and overgeneralisation; core beliefs, where users develop alternative, more helpful core beliefs; exposure and SMART goals; exposure and rehearsal, where users practice anxiety management techniques and control physical sensations; continuing exposure, where participants review their exposure therapy experience and finally maintaining gains, where treatment goals are reviewed and users learn to deal with set-backs.

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(access date: 07/04/2017)



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