


Moodpath é um programa de rastreio de saúde mental interativo que reconhece sintomas de depressão. Após um período de 14 dias de triagem, os participantes recebem uma avaliação completa da sua saúde mental e apoio à auto-ajuda. Este programa está disponível gratuitamente no iOS e no Android. Outros materiais visam ajudar os participantes a entender melhor os seus resultados assim como a encontrar um especialista.

Tipo de Melhor Prática

  • Programa de screening/triagem
  • Grupos-alvo
  • Adultos
  • Tópicos
  • Depressão
  • Países
  • Alemanha
Curso código: TGP458
Categoria: Good Practices
CC - Atribuição-sem comercial-compartilha
CC - Atribuição-sem comercial-compartilha


Moodpath is an optimized screening procedure for recognizing depression, specifically designed for the use on smartphones. The screening was developed in close cooperation with the Division of Clinical Psychological Intervention of the Free University of Berlin. During the screening, the smartphone will accompany the user in his daily life for 14 days. Thereby the collection of valid data points concerning mental illnesses that require treatment is enabled. Moodpath is currently being evaluated in a clinical study at a hospital in Berlin. Over the course of 14 days, participants will be asked about their physical and emotional well-being. Thereby participants reflect their own mood and can better understand the interplay of their thoughts, feelings, behaviour and body. They will receive a profound assessment of their state of mental health after the screening. Further material will help to learn more about their results and potential treatment options. Besides they will receive a summary of their results as a pdf file so that they can share it with their doctor or therapist. If needed, Moodpath can connect the client with experts in his/her area. Finally comprehensive information about depression can be found on the website.

Idioma original





(access date: 07/19/2017)



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