novego – E-Mental-Healthcare



Novego je razvil spletni program, ki je na voljo osebam, ki se zdravijo zaradi depresije, tesnobe ali izgorelosti. Program je bil razvit v sodelovanju s psihiatri in terapevti in temelji na kognitivo-vedenjski in sistemski terapiji. Po 4 do 12 tednih vključenosti v program ima pacient možnost dostopa do vsebin skozi vso leto.  Za konzultacije po telefonu pa so jim v vmesnem času na voljo tudi psihologi.

  • Teme
  • Depresija
  • Anksioznost
  • Sindrom andrenalne izgorelosti
  • Vrsta dobre prakse
  • Svetovanje
  • Jezik
  • Nemčija
Modul koda: TGP477
Kategorija Modula: Good Practices
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


Novego develops online programs for the supportive treatment of psychological suffering like depression or anxieties. The programs combine medical, therapeutic and pedagogic competences on the basis of scientifically proven methods of cognitive behavioural therapy and systemic therapy as well as mindfulness training. If possible, the multimedia contents are composed individually so that they comply with the load and life situation of the patient. The target group are people with light or moderate depression, with burnout syndrome or with anxieties in form of panics or phobias. The patients get support in coping with their symptoms autonomously over a period of 4 to 12 weeks. In the following year they have direct access to all contents in order to guarantee a transfer to daily life as well as to prevent relapses. If desired, the patient can hand in weekly tasks and/or personal concerns at the psychological department of Novego. Additionally there are offered telephone consultations with qualified psychologists. Help-ID is a 12-week program for people with depression and sub-programs for people who additionally suffer from postpartal depression, coronary heart diseases or chronic back pain. ExID is a 4-week program for people with depression and ConfId a 4-week program for people with panics and/or phobias. Furthermore the website delivers comprehensive information about online therapy in general, cognitive behavioural therapy, systemic therapy, self-help, mindfulness, stress management, heart, anxiety and depression, chronic pain and postpartal depression.

Jezik, v katerem je praksa dostopna v originalu





(access date: 07/04/2017)



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