Psicoterapia persona



Psychotherapy-person er vefsvæði sem stjórnað er af tveimur sálfræðingum sem bjóða bæði hefðbundna meðferð þar sem einstaklingur kemur til viðtals og einnig rafræna ráðgjöf eða sálfræðimeðferð. Á vefsvæðinu má finna ýmsar upplýsingar um námskeið og fræðsluefni (myndbönd og texta)  af ýmsum toga svo sem um meðvirkni, sjálfsást, matarfíkn og kvíða. Jafnframt gefst notendum síðunnar tækifæri til að setja inn athugasemdir á bloggsíðu sem er á vefsíðunni.  Farið er að ítölskum lögum um meðferð persónuupplýsinga og faglega unnið með vefsíðuna að öllu leyti. Öruggur greiðslumáti er kynntur fyrir þeim sem vilja nýta sér þjónustuna og  veittar eru upplýsingar um það fyrir hverja rafræn ráðgjöf eða meðferð er heppileg.


  • Andlegt ofbeldi og áreitni
  • Markhópur
  • Fullorðnir
  • Efni
  • Almennt
  • Tegund
  • Náms- og starfsráðgjöf
  • Meðferð
  • Svæði
  • Land
  • Ítalía
Course code: TGP507
Category: Good Practices
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

Psicoterapiapersona is a web site that is very rich in its content. On the top of the Home page are tabs leading to many different psychological issues (as stated above) as well as info on seminars and conventions, psychological news and blogs. Most of the written materials are additionally provided in pdf and ready to download. The materials are scientifically grounded but also written in an approachable manner. This web site is one of the most interactive ones in comparison to the similar ones since the therapists in question regularly publish blogs on psychological themes of interest and the users can make comments. 

In the online psychotherapy section three main reasons on why people choose online therapy/counselling are described, the steps on how to make first online appointment through Skype, duration of session, and cancellation policies. This service is offered only to legal adults. The first contact can be made through telephone or by filling out the online form with name, a general reason for contacting, and clicking on which of the two therapist he/she wants to contact. At the bottom of this page the Legislation numbers of Italian laws on therapy and privacy are given. Also, the therapists provide a link to minimum or maximum pricing ordered by the National organization of Italian psychologists. The section Who are we is also extensive and it provides professional biographies and pictures of the therapists. Their public appearances (tv, newspaper interviews, conferences, seminars, etc) and CVs are also available.

The web site gives links to all of the major social networks such as Facebook, Email, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google+ but also StumbleUpon, digg, Vikontakte, and Yoolink.


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(access date: 02/07/2017)



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