


Selfapy je spletni tečaj, ki posameznike z diagnosticirano depresijo, anksioznimi motnjami in izgorelostjo spodbuja k učenju tehnik, ki lahko njihova bolezenska stanja izboljšajo. Tečaj traja 9-tedenov in poteka pod vodstvom kognitivno-vedenjskega psihoterapevta. Raziskave na univerzitenem kliničnem centru v Hamburg-Eppendorfu so potrdile izboljšanje zdravstvenega stanja pacientov, ki se se tečajev v predpisanih terminih udeleževali.

  • Ciljne skupine
  • Odrasli
  • Teme
  • Depresija
  • Anksioznost
  • Sindrom andrenalne izgorelosti
  • Vrsta dobre prakse
  • Terapija
  • Jezik
  • Nemčija
Modul koda: TGP569
Kategorija Modula: Good Practices
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


The aim of Selfapy is to help people with depression, anxiety disorders or burnout. The offer is an online self-help course which is accompanied by weekly dialogues with a psychologist. The courses are established scientifically and found to be effective by the university hospital in Hamburg-Eppendorf (IKE). The program can be tested for free and interested people can get to know the psychologist team in a first interview via chat or telephone for free. The aim of the interview is to learn more about the client’s situation but also that the client gets to know the psychologists and achieves more information about the course. The courses are based on cognitive behavioural therapy. Clients get information about their situation and learn techniques to improve their mood specifically. Furthermore there is an online forum in order to exchange with other course participants. Participants can stay in touch even after course completion. There are two options of self-help: on the one hand there is an unaccompanied course for 79,90€ and on the other hand there is a psychological course for 179,90€. The fees include access to the online course which consists of 9 weekly modules. In the psychological course there are furthermore 9 course dialogues with the personal psychologist as well as a follow-up-interview 6 weeks after course completion included. The dialogues usually take 20-30 minutes.

Jezik, v katerem je praksa dostopna v originalu





(access date: 07/19/2017)



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