


Sleepio é um programa de melhoria do sono on-line com base nas técnicas da Terapia Comportamental Cognitiva (CBT). Está clinicamente comprovada e desenvolve-se em parceria com a Universidade de Oxford. O foco está em pensamentos e preocupações sobre o sono, horário de sono noturno, estilo de vida e organização do quarto. Uma vez por semana, o cliente encontra o seu especialista virtual em sono.

  • Grupos-alvo
  • Adultos
  • Tópicos
  • Insónia
  • Tipo de Melhores Práticas
  • Terapia
  • Países
  • Reino Unido
Curso código: TGP584
Categoria: Good Practices
CC - Atribuição-sem comercial-compartilha
CC - Atribuição-sem comercial-compartilha


Sleepio is a product of Big Health, a digital medicine company which automates behavioral medicine programs for mental health. Sleepio is a digital sleep improvement program on the basis of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques, clinically proven to help overcome even long term poor sleep without pills. The company has offices in San Francisco and London and is partnered with University of Oxford. Their solution starts with a custom communications campaign focused on sleep. An online test allows them to deliver the right level of help to everyone. Those with the most severe problems get access to the proven program which is tailored to each individual’s needs. It involves working on four key areas: thoughts and worries about sleep, night time sleep schedule, lifestyle and bedroom. Once a week the client meets his/her virtual sleep expert, the Prof. He provides the client with a tool kid. Despite of that the client has access to a community.

Idioma original





(access date: 08/08/2017)



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