


time4friends er vefsíða sem stýrt er af Rauða krossi Austurríkis. Markmiðið er að hvetja ungt fólk til að taka þátt í samskiptum. Þar má finna upplýsingar um hvernig á að búa með öðrum, hvernig á að haga sér í vinnu, hvernig á að haga sér í samskiptum, parasamböndum við fjölskyldu og vini. Einnig eru upplýsingar um menntun, flutninga o.fl. time4friends býður einnig rafræna ráðgjöf og jafningjaspjall eða ráðgjöf fyrir ungmenni.

  • Markhópur
  • Börn / unglingar
  • Efni
  • Almennt
  • Tegund
  • Samfélag
  • Land
  • Austurríki
Course code: TGP623
Category: Good Practices
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

Time4friends offers online peer counselling for young people. It is directed at boys and girls who have problems at school or at home, who are in a difficult relationship or who want to communicate something intimate.

Time4friends is operated by young people from all over Austria who support the inquiries. They work in teams and give their feedback by phone or email. If needed, they organise further counselling. For urgent cases here is also a free telephone hotline (0800 664 530) which operates daily between 18 and 22. In the past ten years, 18.000 young people have made use of this service.

Users must register at the website. After registration, they can ask questions to the time4friends peer consultants. The queries are anonymous, encrypted and can only be viewed by the quiz and the time4friends employees. The Red Cross organises meetings of all telephone assistants four times a year. They also participate in the five-day basic training, which takes place every summer.

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(access date: 11/07/2017)



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